In the past, students who submitted their projects early would receive extra credit and from those projects a handful would be selected to present them live during the final day of the course. Noah Lucé, presented the Teaching Assistants with an overview of the creative project, and through this discussion, Saul Villegas, shared the idea of creating a virtual exhibition based on his creative research. This idea excited the entire teaching team, so we have worked to adapt to this new modality.

Students who submitted their creative projects early were given extra credit. Additionally, they were given the option to present their work as a part of this virtual gallery. If they opted to do so, they provided written consent (via a google form) for their work to be displayed here.

To view the Virtual Exhibition follow the link here or scan the QR code below.


Due to the wonderful number of students who chose to participate in the virtual gallery, the instructional team needed to pare down the options for the virtual world. To make the process as equitable as possible, we followed the following method.

Each TA would look over all entries in their assigned section. From that group of students – they each selected 5 projects based on the following criteria: clarity and impact of story, visuals cohesion, and originality. From these 5 projects, the TA’s were assigned another TA to send their 5 projects too. Then that TA picked the top three projects* based on the above criteria.

*The instructional team recognizes that this is still not a perfect system (should one even exist), and that we had so many wonderful projects our own biases, recognized or not, might have come into play.